We are in Utrecht, just outside Amsterdam. We got in this morning, on the train. Standing outside the Metro in Paris at 5am, waiting for the gates to open, we were with a bunch of other Spanish people ... we all looked like homeless people, all tired and dirty and carrying bags. There was even a real live homeless man there, but it took us a minute to realise he was homeless and not backpacking.
We are very happy here, in a building we were brought to by Maud (my friend from Interplay). I think it's her University. We have real proper internet, on real proper computers - it's sad how desperate Jes and I are to connect with a keyboard. We were thinking of wandering around town this afternoon, but Jes just turned to me and said "Do you mind if we just sit here for four hours?" and I basically cried with excitement because I was hoping to do exactly that. We've developed this thing, we have, where we ask a question - Do you want the top of the bottom bunk? - and on the count of three, we both have to say the answer we want. So it goes a little like this:
We are very happy here, in a building we were brought to by Maud (my friend from Interplay). I think it's her University. We have real proper internet, on real proper computers - it's sad how desperate Jes and I are to connect with a keyboard. We were thinking of wandering around town this afternoon, but Jes just turned to me and said "Do you mind if we just sit here for four hours?" and I basically cried with excitement because I was hoping to do exactly that. We've developed this thing, we have, where we ask a question - Do you want the top of the bottom bunk? - and on the count of three, we both have to say the answer we want. So it goes a little like this:
Jes: Do you want the top bunk?
Dan: 1.. 2... 3
(simultaneously) Jes: Top / Dan: Bottom.
That way, everyone is happy, because we find out the REAL answer, not the polite answer. Unless we both answer the same way (ie if we both said 'top', we'd be in trouble). But that hasn't happened yet so we shant think about it.
ANYWAY. Paris to Amsterdam.
Let me do a bit more on Paris, because the last post wasn't really sufficient, in my mind.
We spent a lot of time thinking about, talking about and looking at food, though, stopping religiously at almost all shops to look at what they had that we could eat. If we ate everything that we stopped to look at and/or wanted to eat, we would be in a gutter right now. We obviously spent a lot of time looking at cheese. On the left is Jes and a giant BabyBel. Right after that photo was taken she shoved the thing in her bra and walked out of the shop all lopsided. She smelled for daaaays.
The other thing, and I guess you find this with any sort of travel, is that we were so tired, completely and utterly knackered from all the walking and all the thinking in French/translating, and all the map-reading, and all the constant heat and sunburn, and the uphill and the downhill and the sore feet and the bad pillow and mattresses on the bad squeaky bunk beds ... we were tired to the point of severe grumpiness most of the time. We found small things to amuse us, though, like the way the French would laugh at us when we tried to speak their language, or the way that we were interrupted in some way during every transaction we ever partook in ever - in a supermarket, at the hostel, buying a loaf of bread or a croissant or trying to get the room key, ANYTHING, someone always always always pushed in front of us or shouted over us or demanded service before us. That only became hilarious after about the 300th time. Is any of this making sense? Ok.
The hostel was stayed at in Paris was called the 3 Ducks Hostel, but it should have been called the 3 Showers Hostel, but even that would be a lie, because there are only 2. It was a nice place, very cute little courtyard, but no lockers, and lots of funny/smelly people staying there, very gross showers, very gross beds (both Jes and I have bites on us, and we think there were bed bugs). The showers are all push-button, which means you push the button and the cold water hits you like a fire hose for about 15 seconds and then dies, and then you press it again and the boiling water hits you like a water hose for about 15 seconds and then dies. It's good, because it works like a freezing/defrosting system, very clever. I was getting changed in the cubicle the other day, because I'm not really a naked in public kind of person, so was kinda trying to squeeze into my jeans in the shower while it's all hot and steamy, and then I bumped my ass against the push-button, and was soaked in freezing cold water. It was obviously hilarious but I wasn't happy.
When we walked into the hostel on the first night, Jes get hit on by some skeezy guy who asked her if she was there alone, which we think is French for 'Can I kidnap and rape you?'. I asserted myself as the boyfriend and all was well. In fact, it was all SO well, that a few days later, on the street, some French men came up and asked if they could take a photo of my girlfriend for a stupid work-team-bonding exercise that meant the whole office had to run around Paris getting photos of stupid things and doing crazy little challenges. Jes was dressed in blue and the task was to get a photo with someone dressed in blue. But instead of asking HER, they asked me - Is it ok if we take a photo with your girlfriend? What? Jes actually said, 'Er, you can ask me.' Obviously I undid her chain and let her do it. But just this once. The hostel had a lot of weird people actually. That same first night, the night of skeezy French man, another man came up to me and said "Ah, Hollywood! You have face like Hollywood!" which I thought was quite nice, really, considering I didn't know him. A bit later, though, he said "You need some sport, Hollywood. You're a bit fat, you need sport". Fucker.
Let's tell a funny story. We'll call the story, 'Crazy Puerto Rican bitch who looked like Nicole Richie, being a dog in the middle of the night'. It basically involved this crazy Puerto Rican bitch who looked a LOT like Nicole Richie being a dog in the middle of the night.
From the top:
I accidentally fell asleep in the sun outside the Louvre and got very hot and pink and now have a weird tan line on my arm (parents, I don't need a lecture about SunSmart, the lesson has been learnt) and then Jes made me go on a scary ride at the carnival that was called 'Boomerang' - we HAD to go on it, really - that spun us round in circles high up in the air, so by the time we got the hostel that night I wasn't feeling so good. Sunstroke and queasy tummy are a bad combo. So I was in bed by about 9, asleep by 10 - all is well. I'll tell the story from Jes' perspective now, because I'm asleep. There are 6 parts to this story. Read on!
Crazy Puerto Rican bitch - let's call her Nicole, as in Richie, not as in my friend - comes into the room at about 11 or so, I'm asleep, but Jes is reading, and some other people are asleep too. She barges in, opens the doors and yells "Is anyone getting reception on their cell??", Jes says 'Yes' in a way that indicated Nicole should really keep her voice down because it's late and people are sleeping. Then Nicole exits. An hour or so later, she barges in again - everyone is asleep, including an American couple just in from Venice and very tired. She bangs on the light, opens her suitcase, rummages through her case, finds a bottle of vodka, pours herself a PINT of vodka and Coke, and then exits again. An hour later, comes back and sees the American girl on one of the bottom bunks and starts complaining that that was HER bed, and Jes - woken from her sleep by the light and the yelling (Dan is still asleep) - tells her that the top bunk is free, she should just use that and sort it out in the morning. Oh no, no no no, Nicole decides to get the manager. So the light goes off for 10 minutes, everyone's happy again, but then the manager comes in all yelling and lights-on, "Who's in that bed? Who's in this bed? Who is that sleeping man?" Jes said "That's Dan". The manager tells the girl to sleep on the top bunk, they both leave, the light goes off, everyone is happy. About 4am, Nicole comes back, at which point Dan wakes up. She bangs in, turns the light on, waking everybody, smashes around the room for a while, then swings the doors open so violently that they bang against the walls - in fact, she may not even have used a door handle, she may have just pushed them so hard they flew open - and yelled "This room stinks, I'm opening the doors." Of course, 4am is the time that everyone in Paris decides to commit a crime or light a fire or have a heart attack, so there's sirens galore, and people are putting out rubbish so there are bins bashing around and bottles breaking. But it all settles down again. Everyone's happy. Let's get some sleep.
7am. Nicole's alarm goes off. Some hideous noise pollution is spewing from her phone, some hip hop shit with no beat but a wicked rhyme, at about 1000 decibels, waking everyone in the room except for Nicole. Dan gets up and staggers to her bed. She is half-lying on the phone, her right breast squashing the phone against the mattress. Dan (that's me, I'm going to keep using 'Dan' til the end of the story, thought) figures if she wakes up he'll just punch her in the face and she won't remember being groped anyway, so he grabs the phone and pushes some buttons and slams it shut again. Sleep. 7.30am, alarm goes off again. Quasi-naked American man stumbles from his bed to repeat the action Dan performed not a half-hour earlier. 8am it goes off again, and this time the dumb bitch half wakes up, mutters 'Sorry' and falls back asleep. The great thing was, everyone was awake after that and we all shared a moment of hatred, united against a common enemy. Jes was plotting her revenge, planning to line everyone's phones up beside Nicole's head and set them off at the same time. In fact, a lot of Jes' anger was unwarranted, because in between Nicole's night-time terrorist acts, Jes had fitful nightmares about the other bad things Nicole had done, which was nothing, obviously, because they were just dreams. So Jes had anger from Nicole going through her bags (dream) and yelling at her (dream) and a whole bunch of other stuff (dreams) ASIDE from the nighttime shenanigans.
Nicole woke up like an hour or so later spooning her purple Adidas sneakers and an empty bottle of vodka, put some hairspray in her hair and left. Fuck you very much.
Lots of photos to share, too. I'll post a batch from London below.
Jes' first London experience!
Australians on the Tube? What?
Me and George in Shepherd's Bush, before seeing Tegan and Sara
Just down by the water.
After the TATE.
A nice girl offered to take the photo, and as she was lining us up,
encouraging us to move further back toward the statue,
Jes whispered 'Are you ready to grab her?' and I said 'Yep'.
PS. Read Jes' blog too, over here!
PPS. I have also edited the options so now anyone and everyone should be able to comment. That's for you, Jacinta...
Getting funnier all the time, Dan. You should write this stuff for a living.
dan - the changes you have made to your blog access refuse my comments as a blogger and force me to be anonymous (which is not necessarily a bad thing)
morrie again
Fantastic Dan - I am wiping tears of laughter as I read - keep up the good work and look after our Jess.
Take Care
Love Marita
(Jess's Mum)
PS We owe you several drinks for looking after her.......
mum... how embarrassing... i'm looking after MYSELF!!
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